Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Clash At The Line Of Scrimmage

Throughout the history of organized football there have been a bevy of offensive innovations. From the T-formation, to the West Coast offense, the shotgun formation and the spread offense, teams have tried a variety of ways to utilize different ways to put points on the board besides garden variety smash-mouth football.

I came across a good article recently detailing a California high school football team's implementation of a new style of offense, and it's struggles to continue to use it.

Now isn't this a true sports fan's dream? The chance for anybody on the field to make a difference in the game ... a true equal opportunity offense.

For schools who can't get the best players, they have the right to do everything they can within the rules to be able to compete. That's exactly what this high school team has done, so who has the right to stop them?

In the classroom, at jobs and not to mention in competitive sports, the goal many times is to be a team player and a creative thinker. Creating a scarcely used offense that allows everyone a chance to participate in certainly fulfills both of those objectives.

More coaches at the high school, college and professional level could only wish to be able to leave this type of indelible mark on their team and their players. As long as it remains within the rules, this ability should not be taken away, period.

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